Narva-Ivangorod is a joint project by Wikimedia Eesti and Wikimedia RU, with the aim to create a bilingual portal and improve the coverage of the region that hosts twin cities Narva and Ivangorod across the border between Estonia and Russia.
Twin cities of Narva and Ivangorod are situated on the opposite sides of river Narva, across the border between Estonia and Russia. The history of that area is multilingual, having many important resources for both Estonian and Russian history in Estonian, Russian, German, Finnish, Swedish and other languages. Also, it is currently not easy to get visa for both people, so it is usually possible to take photographs on only one side of the river. In that context, it makes sense to cover that area in cooperation with WMRU.
Our general aim is to establish interconnected portals on the area, both on Estonian and Russian Wikipedia, and start covering the important themes with articles and photos. It would also be nice if we could attract more people from the area to Wikipedia, and establish a better contact with the Russian community in Estonia (as the urban areas of northeastern Estonia are predominantly Russian, this could be good place to start).
This theme is generally uncontroversial, providing a good opportunity for cooperation. And if Estonians and Russians can cooperate on a project, it will surely attract attention in international media, establishing a good example for other areas.
Our minimal goal could be to create at least a hundred decent articles on both Wikipedias, and uploading at least a hundred pictures. Of course, we can do much more.
[muuda]First, we need to map existing articles and pictures on Narva-Ivangorod region. Second, we need an overview of the non-existent articles and pictures. Third, we'll have to fill that gap. If everything was that easy!
This project is also connected to one of the Wikiexpeditions we have planned for 2012.
Ülevaade projektist eesti keeles.